We were happy to give a media interview to IQads website, in which we have talked about how was 2021 for us, which are the trends in PR and Communication in 2022 from our point of view and generally about our feeling related to this market. You can read it here:

Videoconference „Focus on HR”
On the 16th of December we have organised a new event in the series made by the press agency
Main topics approached by our speakers, representatives of prominent corporations in Romania and also authorities : trends for 2022 in Human Resources, HR strategies during COVID, changes in the recruitment processes, organisational transformation, digitisation, work from home etc.


More info here:
Videoconference „My city – home and at the office”, 3d edition
Another event centred around the urban and metropolitan development which brought together real estate actors, architects, consultants, experts in sustainability, local and central authorities in order to debate on how to improve our lives both at home and at the office. The final target: a smart city, adapted to the current realities.


More info here:
Videoconference „The SMEs, oxygen for Romania”
On the 10th of June, we have organized , in partnership with the news press agency and Team Innovation Media, the second edition of the Videoconference “The SMEs, oxygen for Romania”, following the success of the first event dedicated to this topic.
Our guests talked about the involvement of the State in the development of the SMEs, ways and solutions for the small companies to survive in this period, how they finance themselves, how they can develop at an international level, etc.


Videoconference ROINVEST
The press news agency, together with PLURIVOX and Team Innovation Media have organized on the 20th of May 2021, the Videoconference ROINVEST, dedicated to the State’s and private companies plans of investments in order to sustain the economy and the development of businesses.
The event began with a message from the Presidential Administration, pronounced by the presidential counselor Cosmin Marinescu.

More info here:
Videoconference „ENERGY ROAD – Energy to your home” press agency, together with PLURIVOX and Team Innovation Media have organized on the 30 of March 2021, the Videoconference „ENERGY ROAD – Energy to your home”, focused on topics such as: the legislation changes, the Energy strategy of Romania for 2020-2030, the need of major investments in the energy sector, the Offshore law, the gas exploration campaigns in the Black Sea, etc.
Virgil Popescu, Minister of Energy
Niculae Havrileţ, State secretary
Nagy-Bege Zoltan, ANRE Vicepresident
Sorin Gal, ANRM General Director
Marius Dan – Deputy Director for Corporative Strategy, Franklin Templeton Bucureşti
Radu Căprău – Member of the OMV Petrom Directorate
Cătălin Niţă – FPPG Executive Director
Silvia Vlăsceanu – ACUE General Secretary
Lăcrămiora Diaconu-Pintea – Directorate member of the Oltenia Energy Complex
More info here:
Videoconference: „The SMEs, oxygen for Romania„ press agency, together with PLURIVOX and Team Innovation Media have organized on the 26th of February 2021, the Videoconference „The SMEs, oxygen for Romania”, focused on a debate about the main problems that SMEs face in the covid-generated crisis and potential solutions.
Claudiu Năsui, Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism
Valentina Saygo, State secretary within the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism
Florin Jianu, President of the National Council of SMEs (CNIPMMR)
Cristian Păun, President of FNGCIMM CA
Ionut Țața, Founder of Iceberg/ Cluster for Innovation și Technology – Digital Innovation Hub
Peter Barta – Co-founder @The Long Run
Sorin Drăgulin, Director of Products, Segments and Client Value Management, UniCredit Bank
Andrei Pitis, CEO Simple Capital
Mihaela Oțel, Head of Financing Products, Business Banking DigitALL Tribe la ING Bank
More info here:
Videoconference: „My city, home and at the office„ press agency, together with PLURIVOX and Team Innovation Media have organized on the 25th of November 2020, the Videoconference „My city, home and at the office”.
The discussions by a diversified panel were focused on topics dedicated to urban politics and sustainability projects.
The attendees were representatives of the public and private sectors: central and local authorities, NGOs, real estate companies, etc and one of the conclusions was about the efficient collaboration of all these actors with one goal: a sustainable and friendly urban environment for its inhabitants.
Cătălin IAPĂ – State Secretary within the Ministry of Regional Development and Administration
Tatian DIACONU – General Manager, CEETRUS România
Graţian MIHĂILESCU – Founder Urbanize Hub
Raluca MUNTEANU – Business Development Manager, IULIUS
Mihai CHIRICA – Mayor of Iași
Tudor POPP – Founding Partner, Hotspot Workhub
Radu PUCHIU – CEO & Co-founder H.appyCities
Radu MIHAIU – Mayor of Sector 2, Bucharest
Adrian MARICIUC – State Secretary within the Ministry of European Funds
For more information about the topics, click here:
Videoconference: ROINVEST press agency, together with PLURIVOX and Team Innovation Media have organized on the 15th of October 2020, the Videoconference ROINVEST, in the presence of Romania’s Prime Minister, Ludovic Orban, who opened our event and took part in our debate for fourty minutes.
The discussions were focused on the State’s and private companies investments plans in the current crisis generated by the covid-19 pandemic, in order to support the businesses development and the economy in general.
Marcel Boloş – Minister of European Funds, Romania’s Government
Lucian BODE – Minister for Transports, Infrastructure and Communications, Romania’s Government
Liviu ROGOJINARU, State Secretary within the Ministry for Economy, Energy and Business Environment
Rozalia Pal – Country and Financial Sector Analysis, European Investment Bank
Cristian Nacu – Senior country officer for România and Republic of Moldova at International Finance Corporation
Ionuţ Simion – President of AmCham Romania
Ramona Jurubiţă – President of Foreign Investors Council (FIC)
Horia Gustă – President of the Fund Managers Association
Rudolf VIizental – CEO, Founder, ROCA Investments
Dragoş Roşca – President of Romanian Business Leaders (RBL) and CEO of Delta Asset Invest
Cristian Păun – President of FNGCIMM CA
Dragoş Anastasiu – President of the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Romania (AHK)
For more information about the topics, click here:
Videoconference: Agriculture reloaded press agency, together with PLURIVOX and Team Innovation Media have organized on the 6th of October 2020 the „Agriculture reloaded” Videoconference, in the presence of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Adrian OROS.
The event’s objective was to bring into discussion new solutions for the growth of the agricultural business, new technologies applied in the agricultural sector and financing solutions, but also methods destined to protect the farmers from extreme meteorological conditions such as this year’s drought.
Adrian OROS – Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
Paul Eduard Kmen – Deputy Director of the Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA)
Claudiu Coadă – Deputy General Director, the Payment Agency for Rural Development (AFIR)
Călin Matei – Deputy General Director of Groupama Asigurări
Nicolae Sitaru – President of the Corn Producers in Romania (APPR)
Nicolae Vasile – President of the Ligue of Agricultural Producers Associations in Romania (LAPAR)
Viorel Marin – President of the National Association of Windmill and Bakery Industries (ANAMOB)
For more information about the debate and the topics please click here:
Videoconference: „Romanian products fighting Covid-19” press agency, together with PLURIVOX and Team Innovation Media have organized on the 2th on July 2020 the „Romanian products fighting Covid-19” Videoconference in the presence of the Romanian State Secretary for the Business Environment, Mr Liviu Rogojinaru.
The debate focused on up-to-date topics, such as: the competitivity and the quality of the Romanian products, methods to encourage the consumers to choose Made in Romania products, measures and strategies that companies applied in the covid-generated crisis, intelligent internal and european methods meant to support the local products etc.
Officials from the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment and from the Ministry of Agriculture took part in this event, together with CEOs of big groups, entrepreneurs who have conceived Romanian products destined for fighting covid-19, representatives of the academic environment or associations that promote local products. You can find more details about this event here:
Videoconference: Energy Forum press agency, together with PLURIVOX and Team Innovation Media have organized on the 2th on June 2020 the „Energy to your home” Videoconference, in the presence of the Romanian State Secretary for Energy, Niculae Havrileț.
The debate focused on hot topics from the energetic sector, such as:
- The measures that the companies took in covid context and those taken at a national and strategic level
- The oil & natural gas prices and their influence on companies and consumers in the current context
- What will be the impact on the extractive industry? What will happen with the planned investments? Wht about the gas in the Black Sea?
- The natural gas transportation and the integration in the regional market – interconnectivity. Investments in infrastructure
- Romania’s strategy on energy – when will it be approved? How will it be influenced by the EU Green Deal and affected by the covid crisis?
- A liberalized market – How to choose the gas & energy suppliers?
An event was organized with the support of Romgaz, Transgaz, Nova Power&Gas, FPPG, having as a media partner. You can find more details about this event here:

Dear partners,
The current sanitary crisis changed our personal and professional paradigm. Amid other things, it reminded us that people have the same problems and are exposed roughly to the same challenges, no matter the country, age, social status or profession. Humankind had to adapt quickly to the new reality and try to find efficient solutions in order to be capable to go on. Even if they were affected, many businesses managed to pursue their activity thanks to their versatility and creativity. Beyond the regular geographical coordinates, there is a territory that gains more and more in importance and this is the Online. Apparently it can accomodate us all, no matter the size 🙂
In this context, we, PLURIVOX, want to inform you that we also are fully operational online, in a work from home system, during the regular business hours in order to serve our current clients.
Therefore, if you need our help for your communication and marketing projects, don’t hesitate to contact us by phone, Whatsapp, Skype or email.
Last, but lot least, we want to share with you a short quote from „Robinson Crusoe”, one of the symbols of the exile: „I learned to look more upon the bright side of my condition, and less upon the dark side, and to consider what I enjoyed, rather than what I wanted : and this gave me sometimes such secret comforts, that I cannot express them”.
Thank you and stay safe and sound!
Cristian Dimitriu, journalist with an experience of more than 20 years in the Romanian media, launches his own PR and communication agency, writes His associate is Cătălina Steriu, a communication professional who comes from the business environment, and who owns 50% of the stakes in Plurivox. More information here: Cristian Dimitriu, fost șef Mediafax și, își lansează agenție de PR
Cristi Dimitriu and Cătălina Steriu met, discussed about the plans to launch Plurivox and then continued to shape the agency. Plurivox offers services for the foreign companies interested by the Romanian market but also for the local ones, according to IQads. More information here: Cristi Dimitriu și Cătălina Steriu, despre noua agenție Plurivox
Plurivox ranks the 6th more visible agency in online and on Facebook from 20 PR agencies analyzed in January 2019, according to the ZeList Monitor and fbMonitor, cited by IQads. More information here: Cele mai vizibile Agentii de PR in online si pe Facebook in luna ianuarie 2019
Plurivox ranks the 14th more visible agency in online and on Facebook from 15 PR agencies analyzed in September 2019, according to the ZeList Monitor and fbMonitor, cited by IQads. More information here: Cele mai vizibile Agentii de PR in online si pe Facebook in luna septembrie 2019